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Chapter 183 demon
Next day early in the morning, the summer talks, summer the purple Xin and Liu Kai San people early and early get up.Flow a summer three people send last summer wagon in the house, this just respectively takes own baggage to go to purple leaf's college.
Today, have no yesterday so noisy.Yesterday was 2,000 or so young self - disciplines take part in purple leaf's college to investigate, now then the sky is 200 or so young self - disciplines to check in to purple leaf's college.
All the way, 3322 self - disciplines, all the fascination is high.Student of acquainting with all loudly discusses.
They are all person who passes to investigate to successfully get into purple leaf's college this time.Since today, their life will also take place huge change.Get into purple leaf's college, also equal a feet to across to go into the territory of working properly the teacher.Work properly teacher, in whichever place in the mainland, all be subjected to people's respect.
"The summer talks and thanks you!"On the road, summer purple Xin water works properly of big eyes look askance at to see talk to the summer, sincere way.
The summer speech says with smile:"Why did you thank me?"
"If isn't you to point out my martial skill at the time for these two days, probably I could not also pass to investigate this time."The summer purple Xin slightly sighs a , long say.
Yesterday completed 3 item investigate after, her result grade point got by investigate.If isn't these two days to promote in Wu Ji's top, perhaps she is true of can not pass to investigate this time.So, she can get into purple leaf's college to also have the summer the achievement for talking very greatly one part.
The summer speech smiled to smile to say:"If your real strenght true shortage, even if I teach you two days.You can not also pass to investigate.For that sword method, you have already acquainted with very much, so just can again promote his/her own real strenght in the in a short time.What I do, just one is small to smallly promote."
"Do not know purple self-discipline method in the college of leaf what kind of,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com!"Liu Kai is also full of beans in a side, take one silk curious ask a way.
Before in the household the self-discipline was all free self-discipline, although was like Liu Kai household affirmation like this contained the elder of specialized instruction sons self-discipline,affirmation could not compare with college.
Seem the house in summer, admissible play the sonses of martial hall can get certain instruction, however want the study self-discipline of system, that affirmation is impossible.And, be responsible for the elder that guides sons study self-discipline in the general household also be all not likely to attain the territory of working properly the teacher.Even if guide, is also the only the most basic thing.
"Ha ha, purple leaf's college can't definitely let what us disappoint!"The summer speech turns eyes to say with a smile.
"The Ao blares~"
The soil dog stares eyes of green You You, walking the front is at 3 people.
Before soil dog followed a summer to talk a college door yesterday, the effort of a short while, don't know to run to where.Until yesterday dead hour, soil dog just silently had no returning to of voice interest wine shop.
Summer's talking don't also realize it, anyway with its real strenght, work properly teachers all is not likely to harm its very small amount.
Get to the front of college door this time, don't need to be waited for again, just escorted to once see and then can get into before taking the red brand to the hospital door.Severals of the front of hospital door the guard is all peak strong the day after tomorrow.Although not is to work properly a teacher strong, however also Be getting notter much difference.Ordinary people didn't think that to easily once rush this door.
Get into college, arrive at yesterday square for investigating student.By this time of in the square, already the one who come together many self - disciplines that just became purple student in the college of leaf.
These self-discipline get into college on the first day.The nature doesn't dare to be late.Yesterday that reputation power uncommon old, but once said very clearly, if camed to night and then saw to give up purple student identity in the college of leaf for auto.
Is very not easy to come in, who want to lose this to get a not easy identity?
Suddenly spread a together sharp whistle voice in the distance by this time.
The summer speech complies with the surrounding to hope to go, the dark way is three young men, look young probably in the 89-year-old appearance, seem is up a student that gets into purple leaf's college.These 3 people at this time face up take the smiling face of cajolery, point out a point over against new student in the square, often blow whistle to tease.
"Those people, look to seem to be very amity not."Liu Kai also saw those 3 people, face Zhan several bottoms, failed hit mouth, the facial expression is tiny to change to say.
The summer speech hears he say this words to smile to smile, can Liu Kai this guy also say that the other people aren't friendly?In ordinary people's in front, he estimate that no one will feel that he is friendly?
"Don't at will provoke other people, can get into purple leaf's college of, isn't all general person!However, if someone humiliated to come, also need not hide Yi."The summer talks to Liu Kai Dao.
Once Liu Kai Hei's Hey smile and heavily order.
Probably waited half of two-hour period time on the square.Finally, numerous lecturers and that olds all slowly come over here from the distance.
The summer speech sees, yesterday that Cai gold flower also in these people.
"Li Yuan Chun's eldest brother says that the this Cai gold flower is an entry-level a lecturer, don't know that he had an use to secretly order means yesterday.In case of I true of drive this Cai the gold flower be responsible for, that ……"thought of this possibility, the summer talks of the eyebrows can not help wrinkly for a while.
"The summer talks an elder brother, what do you see?The woman who dislikes?"Liu Kai sees summer's talking a facial expression is different, not from say with smile.
The summer speech hurriedly turns to look over light and stared Liu Kai Yi's eye to say:"Don't blather words!"
The summer purple Xin closed lightly to close lightly a small mouth, the Luo Luo said with smile:"You are two, a short while perhaps did you become the pupil of the gold flower of this Cai!"
Listen to purple Xin of summer so on saying, the summer talks and Liu Kai all shut up right away, be each other black to hope an eye facial expression to have some to deliver.
"The summer talks, early!"Wang Yu Yan doesn't know to when appear to talk 3 people neighboring district in summer, the charmingly feminine light tone says with smile.
Liu Kai's eyes a bright, he knew that the summer talked to have no with this king language Yan yesterday special relate to, this idea limbered up.
"Language Ms. Yan early ah!"The summer speech sees toward Wang Yu Yan and say with a smile.
"Language Ms. Yan, I am Liu Kai, wide dollar city Liu Jia!"Liu Kai comes forward two, one face smiling face.
Just, his smiling face makes people really can not become intimate with and even makes people frightened!
"."Wang Yu Yan tooks a look Liu Kai, " how are you!"
"Is each!"
Numerous lecturers got to square up, that old vision is one Shan, pure settle throat, and then look around a whole field, sank a voice to say 1.
At this time.On this huge square, totally there are 199 students that lately join purple leaf's college.But passed to investigate yesterday of, totally was 198 students, the summer speech was an exception.
Owner of square, all see view toward this old, wait for him continuing to keep on saying.
"I want to congratulate you first, you are already a members of purple leaf's college now.In the purple college of leaf, your identities are entry-level students.Connect down at one Zhu joss-stick of time inside, you will own their our own lecturers."The old sinks a voice to continue to say.
"Entry-level student?Lecturer?"
Many students all send out a lowly discussion voice.
"You are since a member of purple leaf's colleges, have to defend an academic member.We purple leaf's college is the top-grade college on the mainland, everyone can get into purple study self-discipline in the college of leaf, also from on the other hand proved each real strenght.However, is an idiot at my no one, so I hope to have anyone have been already been slacken on the self-discipline!"The old scathing voice continues to say.
"Underneath, I also not much said, your lecturer would tell you more things soon afterward!"The old vision is one Shan, see is ten entry-level lecturers to the flank, did a signal.
These ten lecturers have already readied to and take out a list in succession in the hand.
Stand at most the lecturer of the right side lead off a row, "underneath.I read the student of name, please echo, and walk to me to nearby line up into 1 brigade!"
This lecturer's age probably at about 30 years old, the vision is very bright, the summer speech judges him to work properly teacher state in the early years.Although the breathing is astringent, however still covers up not to live inside the body of work properly dint fluxion.
"Tashan king ……"
A big statures student station comes out and walks to that lecturer nearby.
"Gao Feng!"
Is another thin Gao Ge student vehemence the proud Yang walked to go out!
Be shouted out along with a name, a short moment after, 20 students then arrived that lecturer nearby.
"You, will be been responsible for by me in future period of time.Now, you all leave with me!"That lecturer towards nearby of 20 students finish saying behind.Then turn round at the back of the college of facing to walk.
"Should be go to the place of student accommodation!"The summer talks a dark way in heart.
Immediately after, in the second place age is partial to an old lecturer to also stand a row, beginning Ning voice the name that shout a student.
"Do not know I will drive which lecturer be responsible for!"Summer purple Xin vision the return is from those lecturers body up once sweep, some Tan Tes said.
She also worries that oneself's end will drive that Cai the gold flower be responsible for.
"The summer talks!"
When the number still has half of time, a lecturer shouted the summer talks of name.
This lecturer, only have 20 many year old, and is a very beautiful female.
Hear own name be shouted out, the summer talks facial expression a loose all ordered to nod to say to the summer purple Xin, Liu Kai and Wang Yu Yan:"I went out first!"
Several individuals all say with a smile:"Go to!"
Liu Kai then whispers:"Hurry my name, hurry my name."
When the summer speech walks out, this lecturer's vision still especially the ideas saw more summer talk several eyes.
"The summer talks, you are the director's pupil, however the study self-discipline at ordinary times is all bealso en responsible for by me."That lecturer talked to say more 1 to the summer.
The summer speech hurriedly says:"I know of and bothered a lecturer!"
"H'm!"The lecturer orders, and then continues to order other student names.
20 people are very quick together, the female lecturer's soft voice says:"My name calls to wear Qi, from now on, I be your entry-level lecturer.Having any affair will seek mine to can not handle hereafter.Now, I take you go to you hereafter live of place."
"Hum~ demon~"
The flank together hums low to spread, is exactly Cai Jin's flower.Cai Jin spends, is wearing a Qi flank, sees once her eyes turn over, white wear Qi one eye.Wear Qi Liu Mei Wei is wrinkly for a while, however don't say what, just slightly shook to shake head, then took oneself's 20 sons rears in the college of facing to walk.
Etc. wears after Qi leave, Cai Jin spends to start ordering student name.
"Liu Kai~"
Liu Kai is a first student that is ordered.
Hear own name be ordered, Liu Kai whole body 1 cringe and almost cannot help but since the larynx roared to make a noise a sound.However endured in time and just made an effort to stare big eyes to looking at Cai Jin's flower with 1 pair at him so much.
"Liu Kai!"
Liu Kai didn't echo, so Cai Jin's flower raise voice and shouted this name 1 time.
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