
cheap dr dre beats is unexpectedly fiv

Chapter 632 you want how
"Eldest brother ……" slaps a self-discipline one face is painful, displeased, regret deeply, injustice!
"I ……I was humiliated!"The one who slap self-discipline, unexpectedly be like a kid general, in the double eyes ambiguously Shan the tears light come, the shoulder also slightly urges.
"H'm?The process of"that outlooking with slap the self-discipline of self-discipline likeness once the eyebrow pick, the vision is abrupt however sees to heel at slap a self-discipline after death of two self - disciplines, sink a voice to ask a way, " affair!"
In brief a few words, but take endless dignity.Those two self-discipline is all whole body an earthquake, one among those persons hurriedly will just of the affair add oil to add vinegar of said 1 time.
"Crazy adult, that guy, too overbearing, too damned!He ……he he ……damn!"Another self-discipline, also make a noise gnash teeth in hatred of added 1.
"Hum!"The crazy self-discipline is cold to hum a , once the breathing sink, facial expression gloomily from 3 people face up once swept, " you are three discards, is what kinds of goods, I ability not clear?Affirmation is that you provoke a somebody else first, otherwise, with that person's real strenght, does the meeting make it lively for with you?You basically not enough space!"
Crazy self-discipline, the slightest don't give 3 people facial, the Xun scolds to say.
And slap self-discipline 3 people, also all peep out the color of Shan Shan, don't dare to say more half sentence.
"However!The person in"suddenly, once the crazy self-discipline vision turn, " unexpectedly humiliates my younger brother, I how could stand by with folded arms!Take me meeting meeting he, I pour to and see, his real strenght exactly have much strong!"
The crazy self-discipline figure is one Shan, from the room inside walked out.
This crazy self-discipline is the eldest brother that slaps a self-discipline, 2 people's relation is a full brother.However obviously, the intelligence of crazy self-discipline, slapping a self-discipline than his younger brother Gao Chu is numerous times.This younger brother of his, if have no him at, perhaps can not also step to go into to work properly emperor's state now.Is him, use numerous Dan medicines, skill slap the real strenght of self-discipline to promote to now of second class work properly emperor's state.
This time, he also for the sake of own of the younger brother, just take part in the disciple of the palace of star Dou to investigate.These year, the crazy self-discipline has been whetting to do in the outside and joins hunter's association and fight with various wild beast and acquire a resources to return to exchange into a dollar in the city Dan.
Four people, rapid live area on the second.
"The crazy self-discipline of characters in the sky, go to the eighth and live area!"
"Seem …… there is a war ……"
"Walk, we also go is what person have to be unlucky!"
Some self - disciplines that live area on the second hear slap self-discipline's 3 people with the dialogue of crazy self-discipline, certainly knowing that the crazy self-discipline by this time walks out does what.Wait four people to leave after living area on the second, these self-discipline, just dare to make a noise a discussion.Just crazy self-discipline at of time, none of them dares to depend too nearly.
By few months, there is also a self-discipline that flies to rise because the one who gave offense to crazy self-discipline is interrupted hand and foot, from now on becomes a disabled person.Unless he the ability self-discipline arrive the situation of soul immortalization and ruin the body in nowadays, then just can again weigh Zhu body.Certainly this is almost impossible, he an one who fly to rise have no background, the hand and foot is discarded, that can wait to die.Unless, he with the cent world of place before the one who fly the self-discipline risen have intimate relation, that may also be looked after.
"Eldest brother, that person is counting down the second room."
Live area on the eighth, four people are from the hospital door inside walk into, slap self-discipline to point at front to say to the crazy self-discipline.
At this time, live area on the eighth many in the self-discipline in the hospital, all saw weigh and come back of slap self-discipline 3 people, unexpectedly still the one who took another self-discipline come back, vehemence roaring appearance.
"The person who just humiliated my younger brother rolls out for me right away."Crazy self-discipline once the breathing sink, the vision once turns and would was Nu thunder to generally bomb the voice of Long Long later on, will whole on the eighth live areas all earthquake the Hua Hua make ring.
Those is all facial expression on changing in the self-discipline in the hospital, frightened of see toward this crazy self-discipline.
"What person is he ?"A blue Shan self-discipline absorbed tone to shockingly ask a way.
"He the one who call crazy self-discipline, in the star Dou city hunter's association but one star the hunter's identity."Someone recognizes crazy self-discipline.
"That's right, he is the eldest brother that slaps a self-discipline, be just drive that young self-discipline make moves novella person."Have one person the vision to twinkle to say again.
"That young man, perhaps want unlucky.This person, the real strenght seems to be very strong, just one roars loud and makes me flightily annoy rashness, and almost the holding don't live."A per class works properly an emperor to feel deeply about to shake head to say.
"H'm?"The summer talks in the building and hear the outside spread a huge voice to ring, eyebrows a wrinkly.Later on, the then shouted station starts all of a sudden, the figure is one Shan, shout from the building.
By this time, a self-discipline in the room, all emitted out.Almost owner, all hope toward the crazy self-discipline, and find out this person background mutually.In public the person knows this person live area on the second the characters is strong for sky of time, an all the breathing is dignified.The characters strong in sky is about a live area of the strongest.One lives area and at least has 500-1,000 people, the ability is steady to jump a claim in this many self - disciplines for a sky, characters room, and the real strenght is imaginable.
"The eldest brother is that person!Is that bastard to humiliate me!"
The one who slap self-discipline sees the summer talk to come out from the building and point at a summer to talk right away, saying of hatred poison, "is that person, humiliate me!Eldest brother, you definitely teach him well, interrupt his hand and foot and let him become a discard!Then throw into open country, let the wild beast tore to bite to swallow, even the bones can not leave!"
If the others hear him and all pour to take out an air conditioner.This one who slap self-discipline, too evil.Just that young self-discipline, to their 3 people, can all didn't be next heavy hand, even they even the slightest of the condition of the injuries didn't be subjected to.But now, but he wants his eldest brother and interrupts the hand and foot of that young self-discipline.
However, is public although all feel to slap a self-discipline to resent poison too much in the heart, can't someone the true station comes out and meddles in other people's business.The other party, but live a characters in the sky of area strong on the second!As long as is after the star Dou palace a period of time, don't know the self-discipline of characters meaning in a sky, absolute have no.
It is each to live area, all have so a representative's person.
"Hum,cheap dr dre beats!"The crazy self-discipline despises of sweep through summer to talk, one is cold to hum.However later on, he then eyebrows a wrinkly.Although at this time, he is apart from a summer to talk and fully has far thousand meters, but consciousness can also easily fish for to talk till summer.
After fishing for, but he is tiny tiny in the heart one earthquake.Because, he unexpectedly the imperceptibility talk till summer of real strenght.
In the lord world, could not fish for the other party real strenght of, generally there are two kinds of circumstances.A kind of is the other party real strenght is stronger than oneself, another then the other party self-discipline some Mi methods, can conceal own real strenght.In fact this kind of Mi method that conceals real strenght, compare to be regarded as in the lord world more familiar.
Certainly, if state than the other party the high is too many, even if the other party self-discipline this kind of Mi method, basically can not conceal as well live oneself real strenght.
Lord the self-discipline of the world, have many all the self-discipline lead similar of Mi method.However, even if the self-discipline leads this kind of Mi method, the most people can't goes to and revolves a Mi method intentionally, either and hides own strength motion.
At by this time, in the air, the very tiny an energy breathing appears.Later on, together white shadow of human figure, misty of the emergence is in the public view inside.Lead wink time, this shadow of human figure that is misty, just gradually clear.
"Is him!"Is this person have been already appeared, numerous self - disciplines, then the disturbance gets up.
This white dress person is exactly the characters strong in sky that lives area on the eighth.
Connect him, be all just and greatly drunk a voice to disturb by that crazy self-discipline, but appear.
White dress person the one who took a look crazy self-discipline, soon after knit the brows to say, "you bothered my self-discipline!"
"I am to come to seek that person!"The crazy self-discipline is also an eyebrows a wrinkly, stretch hand the summer of pointing at the distant place to talk.He certainly also hears through this the eighth to lives the white dress person of the area, but live a characters in the sky of area strong on the eighth.And, he personally once saw as well, white dress person at Dou Wu Chang inside with other strong of combat.The crazy self-discipline would not likes to exchange blows with person of this white dress, either in the heart, so his political ability is tiny to put low profile, explains that oneself comes to seek a summer to talk.
White dress person, the vision is one Ning, turn eyes to see talk to the summer.Suddenly, eyebrows again is on lifting, seem to be a bit surprised.
"Clear breeze self-discipline!"Crazy self-discipline and then open mouth, " I today, is to seek him, hope you not busybodies.If you want to am one war with me, we can another day go to Dou Wu Chang to solve."
White dress self-discipline, the name is called clear breeze.The great majority self-discipline that lives area on the eighth, all don't know the name of this white dress self-discipline, this still keeps hearing for the first time.
The crazy self-discipline is the characters strong in sky that lives area on the second, certainly have certain means, can find out white the name of the dress self-discipline.
The clear breeze self-discipline ponders, vision and then talk from the summer body up once sweep, later on a Shan body, backed one side.Obviously, he was to don't intend to take care of this matter.
"Mess, even he ignored and saw, that young self-discipline, really want unlucky."A black long skirt facial appearance charmingly feminine female self-discipline, feel sorry for to say.
"Poison Niang son, might it not be you are small to that white does the face have good will?If otherwise, you why thus worry?"Black long skirt female self-discipline a man of contemptible ugly fellow at the side of body smile happily to say.
"Roll a part to go, hum, even if I am interested in him again how?"The poison Niang son turned over next eyes way.
"Ha ha, that you might as well go out a tube to take care of this matter ah, seeing that crazy self-discipline will can't see on your face and put that boy one horse."The contemptible ugly fellow self-discipline laughs at to say.
The poison Niang son about to speak words, then again Jia however live.Because by this time, the summer speech moved.From before counting down the second room door, figure in a row 3 twinkle, then cross over thousand meters distance and arrived the neighboring district of crazy self-discipline.
Many self - disciplines in the hospital early back to get to farer place, they don't want to be brought disaster to fish in the moat.
"How do you want?"The summer talks to directly ask a way.
The summer talks to early fish for, this crazy self-discipline is unexpectedly five classes to work properly an emperor highest point, and the real strenght is really quite good.And, on the this person body of kill breathing very strong, obviously is to usually fight, all ambiguously have already formed ferocious mien.This kind of person, fights technique very abundant, together state self-discipline from the same strength, all very difficult is this kind of person's opponent.
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