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Ground person.This rushes.Would be 20 insides.
Arrive the Liao sun plain ground under the long Ling in the bow foot of a hill.Once turned a curved son.Several individuals fiercely jump out.Block to run about wildly a ground of war horse.
"Clock Wei Ze!"The first Wang De Shui Yang hand hallooes.
The clock Wei Ze smells an immediately fierce Lei war of speech a horse.Several individuals in succession the Chi number is 10.Just turn round.
"Is the general where?"Clock Wei the Ze Be harsh voice to ask a way.
"Here!"Wang De Shui points to after death one forest.
"Take me to see general!"The clock Wei Ze anxiously asks a way, an anti- in normal times the Tai of inside smart dispassion.
"BE."Wang De Shui immediately leads the way.
Once turned one forest, the clock Wei Ze frightened, sees numerous black A ride a soldier just and to a tee the in file war sign, there are also several thousand soldier of with disheveled hair ridings, this black very dumb person's horse silently has no an interest ground to stand, if once rounded this forest, clock Wei how can't the Ze expect here, either to incredibly conceal so many privates and soldiers.
A surprised after, would be a pleased.The clock Wei Ze right away hopes toward Su Ling and sees it being walking to oneself, hurriedly driving a horse to rush to pass by.
The clock Wei Ze is Su's general of matchless admiration oneself at this time, at the beginning Zhao Yi becomes at several thousand people clock Wei the Ze choose and hand over this time that need to be Su Ling to prepare to think, the clock Wei Ze just wants to duly listen to into, but completely and unexpectatively will truely become at present fact.When the Liao sun city falls, connect the cellar of protecting the life, also positive if prepare to think similarly, provided for several hundred scouts to find shelter of, but that night, tens of thousands 8 ensigns the soldier immediately leave city but go.This how ability not Su Ling further apotheosis?Follow Su Ling,there is also the elephant of defeated troops?
"The Liao sun scout captain clock Wei Ze once sees general!"The clock Wei Ze depresses voice to say.
"Is all peaceful?"Su Ling asks a way.
"The brotherses all hide good, one is many."
"Like, this would is your ground head achievement!"Su Ling says.
Clock Wei Ze slightly on lowering the head, be regarded as should, immediately, lift an eye to hope to watch from a distance the person of a green dress small hat of the Ling body side of Su, this person drive clock Wei Ze one Zhang shot fainted of Liao east longitude slightly the Yuan is in response to the adult of Tai Yuan.However, the Yuan adult can still not know oneself is in the city gate upstairs, is fainted by the shot.
"How is Liao sun?"Su Ling asks a way.
"Only remain Lee inside the city the Fang always stay to guard, number not known, the estimate isn't around ten thousand.The thing is each 500 people of field of school, decline barracks to have 2,008 out of the city ensign the soldier watch."
"See a white A soldier?"Su Ling cross-examines a way, the white A soldier is that eight ensigns are crack, where appear, where would be main battlefield.
"Belong to under have already looked into everywhere.Have never seen white A soldier to appear."
The Su Ling point nods, the side body says in response to the Tai to the Yuan:"Yuan adult, you see how?"
Does this still use to say?Listen to clock Wei Ze finish saying, the Yuan has already urgently canned not bear ground to see toward Su Ling in response to the Tai, very anxious to immediately generation Su Ling releases military command, the battalion immediately enters hair to the Liao sun.
"Su's general.Issue order."The Yuan endures own impulse in response to the strong Tai.
"Good."Su Ling finishes saying and then recruits a life farmland great bear to come over.
"Invite a general order!"The farmland great bear salutes a way right away.
"Your cover with to deliver a soldier......The war in"Su Ling already formal named after the camp of farmland great bear to cover with to deliver a soldier, " saw how you kill an enemy.Tell your person, get into Liao sun city, all men who have a plait, a don't stay."
"BE."The farmland great bear should arrive.
"Liao sun city east and west those 1,000 people, hand over to you.Running is a , you don't come back."Su Ling issues order.
"Makes!"With 5,000 win 1,000 materials didn't°yet farmland great bear ground wholesale soldier well after gold soldier, really no longer words bottom.Want ~only no one to retreat, only use a horse, trample to also trample.
As for those 2,000 watch the empress of declining the soldier gold soldier.Want Su naturally the Ling he or she's ground black A ride a soldier to deal with, this isn't also the problem.As for Lee in the city always Fang, Su Ling basically didn't put in the eye, want ~only city outside a disorderly, have no battalion to garrison Liao sun city, is all indentation everywhere.
"Set out,Facebook!"Su Ling issues order.
Black A rides a soldier to immediately start out, small run on the plain, as if the flood in a black, go to the Liao sun city book.
The flat ground in 20 insides.Say towards riding soldier coming, however is small half of two-hour periodly road.
Su Ling leads 5,000 black A to ride a soldier fore, farmland great bear of 5,000 cover with to deliver a soldier at after, with the small carriage for running, rush all the way toward the Liao sun under the city.
Is close by Liao sun the city is five insides, the Teng rises of big slice of smoke and dust have already let Liao sun city outside of guard a soldier to look about in succession, don't know this exactly is where comer horse, majority of empress gold soldier, it is eight ensigns to also think of a certain make track for to kill clear soldier Kui of the soldier just return.Su Ling is since the east rushed.The sun is sending forth a dazzling ray of light, make to lift an eye to look about after the ground gold double the eye is piercing, have to deflect a head, temporarily move to open vision.Again before going toward one inside, however become a momentary matter, black A's riding a soldier has already more and more and clearly presented the carriage that a certainly can not block, at this time, empress brigade ground the farmland great bear start leading off acceleration and gradually lead a big brigade to cover with to deliver soldier and black A to ride a soldier shoulder to shoulder but rush.10,000 ride a soldier to together rush of carriage.Make all persons who see immediately dumbstruck, stare tongue-tied.
The murderous look is since then directed at face.Is long gold soldier respond to come over on the whole through the empress of the war, this other party cavalry has already started accelerating, this is clear is that tores to kill power, where will is oneself's person?Probably is still blurred, empress gold soldier while taking care of reprimanding angrily to of brigade military officer beginning the whole brigade, in order to meet the enemy.
Black A rides the soldier's target very explicit, would be those just in succession the last horse look for respectively a troops of 2,000 empress gold soldier, but obviously the some people rush cans not find a troops and goes it blind one regiment in succession, this in a row striking against of twoth Liao sun city, haven't stopped for rest enough?How to resist again as if wave sort ground does black A ride a soldier?
Farmland great bear also nothing important brigade form, the tube takes 5,000 to cover with to deliver a soldier to go straight to a paying of the type of staying by the side the knoll sort wealth and properties, A Zhang to get a thing of those 500 empress gold soldier and go, true such as the surge beat to go, moment then will those 500 empress gold soldier blunt 708 fall, like this beat hair, don't say is bosom hate in the covering with of heart to deliver a soldier, is a general farmer, can also defeat these 500 also tired nothing doing after gold soldier.Disorder in, also see not pure to cover with how the loss of delivering the soldier is, sees 1 assault in the past, those 500 people already nobody, later on, the farmland great bear then divides soldier's two roads, city two sides once rounded from the Liao sun and went straight to west door outside of the 500 people.The order that presses Su Ling is for annihilating its total amount, farmland great bear by himself/herself would not like to this one war, also have no achievement can set up.
Su Ling ground 5,000 black As ride a soldier and pound at have no a type, also didn't direct of 2,000 dispersals at decline a big camp of soldier the empress on all sides gold soldier, absolutely be slice melon to chop down vegetables generally, this lets to make an effort to follow Su Ling to put the Yuan that the horse runs about wildly in response to Tai is see of don't lift how comfortable heart, since he led troops, what have ever like this once humiliated to set up Nu?Follow Su Ling to enjoy like this battlefield weapons, it is happy to can take seriously.
Black A rides soldier's both sides to gather together and rounds to decline a big camp of soldier for a week, 2,000 empress gold soldier then vanish, all cut to kill, have no one to live.Black A rides a soldier to stop a step in succession, at decline big camp outer circle of soldier city big circle.Those decline a soldier already drive at present battlefield the surprised Zhe, in succession the station starts and hope black A to ride the soldiers stunned.
Su Ling and Yuan rushes in response to the Tai to decline a soldier big camp, the Lei horse stops, after death one noodles clear soldier big ensign, aweather but dance!

The text chapter 32 city bottom withdraws troops
Renew time:2009-9-1417:17:37 chapter word numbers:4599

River in the town three Su Ling and Liao east longitude slightly Yuan in response to Tai station before declining a big camp of soldier, face numerous eyes that the pair apprehensives, stand erect like mountain.
That a moment, even Liao east longitude slightly the Yuan all feel in response to the Tais the dominant bearing of a several cents come, if isn't Liao sun at present and still is setting up a Nu hand in, unavoidably will living for a several cents, poetry, it is to fear not is then seven, can get to bequeath to posterity of sentence.But the Liao sun city at this time defend city eight ensign soldier, close city gate in succession, ascend city wall defense.
Can Liao sun the city is after all too big, wreath city 20 inside, everywhere can hope to see these black A to ride a soldier with those rush to act like to fly of covering with and delivering soldier.The Yuan hugs tens of thousands in response to the Tai of soldier still shortage defense, besides and only count Related articles:

