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Chapter 83 three sisters
At poison Long Tan of time, Ji vast sky the whole day and poisonous Long Tan fierce monster physical fight, badly don't know than the bloodthirsty flying eagle how much doubly of nine snakes, three eyes can Long Mang calmly treat, besides is these three flying eagles that summons are main uses?
From three blind sides of eagles, he unhurriedly the ground once wore and not only once hid surrounding of three flying eagleses, once the anti- hand press, a hold tight the Bo neck of a head of flying eagle among them, direct still flew to go out he.
"You prohibit to begin!Can not violate the rules!"
Segment small Qi a see he begin and beside and anxiously loudly appeal to the public small call, brandish a small fist, full face angry.
"You can push away flying eagle, but prohibit to hurt them and can not attackstone them, either!"Segment Ling month also some excitements, however don't make difficulties for him too much, the Yang voice hallooed 1.
"The rules is really many!"
Scolding low is a , he suddenly shrinks iron cage dime and coldly hopes three flying eagles that fly to rush toward to come over, before three flying eagles fly to come over, he fiercely makes moves, accurate the flying eagles out and away holding tight a head of bend the benefit claws of hooking the sort and make an effort one Ye, that flying eagle's falling from the empty half him is before the chest.
Moreover two flying eagles flown to rush toward to come over, suddenly and all bump shot at be held tight benefit claw by him a head of flying eagle up, three flying eagles bump shot together and blare low to call.
And poison Long Tan fierce the monster fight experienced, cope with three flying eagles to basically have no some difficulty to him, easily once avoided rounding up of three flying eagleses, often make moves to grasp it for a while, jilt it a , three flying eagles are made by him overwhelmed with work, have no excessive long since have no the dint fly to get empty.
"This guy, how more intelligent than monkey, three flying eagles, so drive he exhaustion energy?"The segment small Shan lifts iron cage, one face is startled.
"Three little elder sister Maos, the flying eagle has already had no dint, can put me to come out?"In iron cage, the body's Ji vast sky spirit stops and thinks carefree, smile way.
"Calculate you to pass!"The segment Ling month ordered to nod and opened iron cage to put Ji vast sky to come out, most in whisper a way:"The guy that came out from Long Tan of poison indeed as expected isn't a general person, three flying eagles, to you really too easy.Put you today one horse, thing I will arrange, you stop worrying, very early before, entrust us for someone, let we will concerning your news notice Ji house, so you need not worry what.
"Who entrust yours?"Not because segment the beguilement before Ling month but the heart bosom hate, a listen to early someone entrust them to send to news to go to Ji to add, in the Ji vast sky heart a pleased, quickly ask a way.
"Keep secret."Segment Ling month once the Xi Xi smile and see the appearance that his wry smile shakes head interesting, and then say with smile:"The white is elegant, in addition to him, who will concern so you."
"Ji vast sky, you had better be a little bit more careful, not know who spread of news, :Imitating Buddha many people knows that you will go to martial country in the sky after Gao Yang Cheng, Gao Yang Cheng's hasing many people is making track for you now.You had better just a little change looks, Xi Xi, if you don't mind, I can help you, this aspect I but excel."Flank of segment small Qi, active suggest.
"Ah, do you also know my identity?"
"Our three people is responsible for concerning your intelligence report of sorting and all once sees your portrait, Ling month the elder sister say again you is come out from Long Tan of poison, is this still not obvious?"The segment small Qi explained a , excitement's saying:"You come, I help you to easily permit, I am really fierce!As long as you promise, I tell you two newses that ordinary people temporarily still don't know again."
"Are you really good?"Hesitated for a while, the Ji vast sky asked a way.
Not the segment small Qi favour Die nods, don't wait Ji vast sky to respond to come over, her interest is blunt blunt the ground grasp Ji vast sky and arrive at sunlight to compare with foot, of a place, takes out a from the brocade the bag bottle bottle bottle bottle, leaving no chance to explain at Ji vast sky face up paint.
Segment small Shan, segment Ling month 2 people the smiling face is all peculiar, also full of beansly hope.
Colourful coating come to put on to go on the face, some places are very cool, also a bit irritable place, led in a short while, segment small Shan, segment Ling month 2 people cannot help but covering mouth "Luo Luo" to lose to smile, the segment small Qi still seriously adds coating, and the nerve devotes one's minds.
Led in a short while, the segment small Qi lightly shouted an one breath and noded to be satisfied with a way:"Like, you see!"Say, she takes out a copper mirror and puts in front of Ji vast sky.
Have a green and red foetus to print on a face, the middle age of the skin withered yellow ugly man, appear at among the copper mirror.Flat nose, whiskers, two Sai drum bulge, that green and red foetus prints a left a right stick by the side of the cheeks, let him look to seem to be matchless difficult to see, even have ferocious several centses.
"Is quite good, very good, the small Qi really has a skill!"Segment the small Shan is strong to endure the impulse of cachinnation, in a serious manner says.
"Later how to get rid of?"The Ji vast sky doesn't dare to see mirror that person again and quickly asks a way.
"Give you a bottle of medicine water, the dilution is in a clear water and clean the face all right."The segment small Qi claps to clap hands, is a very satisfied appearance, " comes to send you two newses again, your southern Yi friend, by surprise of, unexpectedly from Mt. Heaven brought back the empress that nine Yi absolute being shot a table three pages, this time already in the return journey on the way.Still have, fierce hate a sky to disappear for several years, the hearsay appeared in martial national territorial in the sky again recently, he before a lot of enemy house, all whetted knife Huo Huo to prepare to deal with him."
Is extremely shocked in the heart, he has never expected a clock to leave true ability of clean Yi from thou Dan hand lieutenant general nine Yi absolute beings shot after the table three pages to want, didn't even expect fierce hated a sky to incredibly get to sky of martial country.
"The news that thanks you also thanks your to easily permit Shu and took leave."The Ji vast sky embraces a boxing and says to the segment Ling month again:"There, your elder brother says one for me it's ashamed, have an opportunity me will make a special trip to come over to thank him."
"Carefully order, Gao Yang Cheng wants the person of your life many, don't think easily after permitting, absolutely safe."Segment Ling the month attitude compare previous amity many, remind him on one's own initiative:"Is orotund, in normal times inside of behavior bearing, you all all want a change, otherwise, some severe of role, see very easily you is be not easily lead permit."
"Thank."Flicked to wave hand, he left segment these three interesting bond maids in house, he left a segment mansion ……
Three in the days to come, the Ji vast sky appears on the road of the martial country of Gao Yang Cheng sky, at the mid-night, and then have pouring rain downfall, in the lightning flashes roll of thunder, there is heart leading for a sky, the thunder goes into a body of he, have the wish fulfilled, be bombed on the body by several ten day thunders.
Don't know if there is the career of last time or not, the body naturally had a resistibility, this time, although he remains be been aching by the whole body that the thunder bombs in the sky, but have no distress arrive directly be canned not move in top in the ground by the home party.
He didn't also faint off in the past this time, the list knee hit the ground, strength bore thunder in the sky, he clearly feels that a sky of thunder falls back, natural thunder dint he is a frenzy first inside the body of suddenly and violently flee.
Whenever this time, the three days in his body thunder field then will produce a **Lee, the nature of those frenzies, the thunder dint pulls into the thunder field in sky.Once thunder strength in the sky go into for a sky, thunder field, the congestion enters the dollar dint in thunder field in the sky right away in, fly Xuan according to the thunder of the sky special track,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, dint quickly ties up together.
Don't know whether the absolute being soul strengthened some, although his brain is a bit piercing,did not faint off, a sky of thunder falls in, he the absolute being soul just violently drift in the brain, the flame is similar to flutter in the limited district.
The black jade dollar is crystal!
Suddenly, the Ji vast sky thoughted of the mustard seed bag still leaves of some crystal, as poison Long Tan's special product, black jade dollar the marvellous function that is crystal to have to nourish an absolute being soul, at the beginning Ji over win, cloud of Ji Wan 2 people got a black jade dollar crystal, all is if get jewelry ground to immediately use a black jade dollar crystal come to strong absolute being soul.
If not that 2 people love deeply him, was full of expectation to him, those crystal 2 people Be afraid to is to have been already used up, can't reduce to stay to go out for him travel over use.
Endure a body up of piercing, the Ji vast sky climbs a big tree with thick branches and leaves and sat down in the tree branch.Taking out a piece of black jade dollar is crystal, hope dark such as the special dollar of the Mo stone, he feels to contain to have strange energy motion among them right away, this kind of energy motion is a bit visionary, like an air generally empty empty, give person a kind of unpredictable felling.
Lightly exhale an one breath, the Ji vast sky records a medium description concerning absolute being soul according to the great void Mi and try to slowly make use of absolute being soul to feel the black jade dollar crystal medium of strange strength.
The absolute being soul Hao concusses, can melt creation, the absolute being soul is boundless, the Hao Hao is very small and distant ……
The great void Mi records, a word speak at most, be"melt"!Oneself and world melt, dollar the dint and creation melt, the secret blends mutually and imitate a Buddha to have no what things is can not blend together.
The absolute being soul floats to concuss and imitated that to is crystal to form contact in the middle of Buddha and hand for an instant, suddenly, one in fine threads naked eye is difficult to see of fine thread, since the crystal black jade dollar flowed to overflow, the basis wears a certain and difficult to understand track, from his nose, ear, drill into brain in eyes, remit among the absolute being soul.
The absolute being soul is to become a very small water pond, those the crystal midstream come out from the black jade dollar of the fine thread is like trickle small stream and slowly remit to gather in water pond among, make water pond continuously strong.
Come from a black jade dollar crystal medium of strength, pass the time that his eyes fly to an absolute being soul, have one part drive he double the Tong blocked down and drilled to go into his double Tong in, he the eyes of original utter darkness, slowly became silvery ……
The breeze thunder stopped down, didn't once know as well much long-term, his eye Tong again the time is resumed black, lower the head to hope to watch from a distance the black jade dollar in the hand crystal, that black jade dollar in original Mo black is crystal, became a grey color, had no the energy motion of one silk ten cents any further among them.
Through this self-discipline, he obviously feels that the absolute being soul strengthened a lot, the look in the eyes is pure clear, consciousness of the extension scope promoted ten several rices again, on moving, dollar's dint's the speed of the Ning thing is under the function of absolute being soul quick many.
The black jade dollar is crystal, indeed as expected is a good thing, no wonder that many people all is contending for robbing, can really strengthen an absolute being soul, in the heart inwardly exclamation.
The consciousness continues into outside extension, he wants to measure the extreme limit that the consciousness responds.
Suddenly, one silk the marvellous motion spread from the distance and give him the felling of a kind of blood circulates.
Shouting low is a , the Ji vast sky full face puzzles, the distance spreads of felling, be like his felling in pulling to point in the black ghost insect, is like a part of oneself's body, very marvellous.
Hesitated for a while, the Ji vast sky drilled out from the treetop and gingerly went toward to there touch.
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