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Electricity even ambiguously formed an aureate lightning flash sign on the forehead.Not unexpectedly weaker than other party on the vehemence!Just, forehead of dignified, also had a sea body to lightly shiver to just explain a segment sea also is a wap.xs.\С \Om 1|6| k official placard macho man four vegetableses a lie to upload
Pain and sufferings that transfered the strange strength of this great stock market investor to pay to correspond.
"H'm?You really make me shocked.Unexpectedly, the matter separates so for several years, unexpectedly again someone can manipulate nine every day thunder?Ha ha, you are really an opponent that is worth respecting!I promise you, if you can keep combat appearance like this to vanquish to own 1/3 strength of search of I, I tell you inquisitive everything."Leaf's floating zero is to excitedly say very much, while finishing saying the words of end, the tongues all stretched out to put out strength of adding and adding lips.
"You try again me this recruits world to collapse how?"The segment sea is also that the will to fight is full of life.
"Like, though come!Return in the younger generation no one can force me to display all combat appearances.If you have ability to let me to display all combat appearances.So, my dead but have no Han!The quack Ga comes, come!I can't waited for!"The leaf floats zero way of pressings.
"I came!Lu fairy sword definitely of the sky is definitely!!!"Segment sea Lu fairy sword Gao Gao raise, this is a move of sea!New move!It is accompanying with Lu fairy sword to just appear.
Is also that mysterious person, seal to print sea brain at the segment in of.
Only be segment the sea attain a certain layer of time, that mysterious move would appear in the brain of segment sea.And, magic of just reflected into the move of brain to become to seem a hammer chain to lead this kind of must the time is general.Masterly, again overbearing!
The segment sea doesn't know!He basically doesn't know he why will move like this.The way is what Lu fairy sword bring, belong to that at ordinary times tradition similar strength.
The Lu fairy sword Jue is divided into three parts, is a sky definitely respectively, the ground collapses definitely definitely.Collapse power is definitely the biggest, but is a near body move among them, sky definitely then the move of long range attack.
Sky definitely the move is a , segment sea the position of place, unexpectedly appearing of the small space small fracture.Immediately vanish again.
But that"the Ka Ca Ka Ca" voice that sent out while tearing to pieces space lingers in the ears, good had a very naughty urchin to put a string of firecrackers in the space.
Sword point!Cold light!Lightning flash!The inside regards as imagination and is full of a heroic scene, is presenting to public in the space at the moment in normal times.
1/3 strength!First rank~!
The leaf floats zero of special achievement method, this achievement the name of the method be called three to fold difference method.
The achievement method is divided into 4 F.Peacetime of don't calculate, is a kind of appearance, expect after belonging to gold fairy.Most crest layer of time, it is said that can break Xuan fairyland field.
After launching a first floor achievement a method, the real strenght will promote decuple.It is also 1/3 strength that the leaf floats zero he or shes to say.And then second floor then the decuple of decuple is early a hundredfold gold fairy strength.2/3 strength.
But the 3 F is the strength of the gold fairy peak after all opening.
Is also say, can complete second kills a common gold fairy in the early years the strongest existence.
Gold fairy, second kills gold fairy!It not is to have no probably, but see if he comes to a the strongest highest point.Good elephant segment sea if don't ask for help of outside dint, however is the peak of fairy.But, the real strenght of the fairy peak be to can easily kill common fairy to expect behind of fairy.This is the margin.Unless that fairy has a difference treasure to protect a body square can,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com.The Lu fairy of the not equal to segment sea the sword can let sea more class challenge but don't fall to hurt.Even still probably the shot kill opponent.
The fog spirit of green spreads!One is strong of the man stand at the distance of the segment sea, through the golden light.That man could not see the appearance of one silk emaciation any further.What to replace is in addition to is strong, still strong.
Only in the eye pupil of that green gloom, was full of enthusiasm, expectation and fanaticism.
"Ao!!!Come!Come!!"The leaf floats a sundry expenses hand to heavily hit in own chest.Send out a pounding of Dong Dong voice.
"Is like what you expected!"The segment sea didn't hesitate, although the segment sea doesn't know that the other party is exactly to be not bragging, , the vehemence that sends forth on that body has already made oneself feel to suppress.
The Lu fairy sword unexpectedly trembled, that wasn't frightened!But was full of an endless excitement.
Numerous years, inhospitality numerous years, suppressed for numerous years.Finally have an a little bit interestingly fight!Although, combat like this in the Lu fairy sword's eyes still keep having some pediatrics, can after all is also a combat!, Living for the sword of fighting, how bear with solitary and lonesome, how bear with to didn't life of blood?
The golden light escaped from segment sword within sea hand and turned to make a together aureate lighting to rush at a leaf to float zero.Immediately, the whole outer space the sky Be outside sky of to all shiver.In addition to the Earth and the sun, surroundings of of a few stars all send out trembling of different degree.The star of those poor and unproductives appeared earthquake!The high mountain in a twinkling collapses, the ground is hollow.It jets in the numerous air blunt crack.
Those from the scholars in the space of Xu mankind deluxe talented person, geography the scholars, all surprised shout, this is the miracle.
Near body!
One is perfect, it appear the shocking appearance of people at the in front of segment sea.
That be rated as is that sea is the strongest long-distance to leave an attack of the move be unexpectedly blocked by the other party descend!
And, more miraculous BE, the other party only used hands to block at in front.Accompany with a burst of green smoke's arm in the other party of the green Be curling up in the air to rise, quick of the dissipation is outside the sky the space in sky in.
The segment sea quickly puts to open move and waits for the attack of the other party.
The close behind other party seems to disappear at at present.
This day outside sky in, even if is a Xuan fairy also not ability moment move of place, the segment sea so helplessly looking at the other party disappearance.
Isn't right!Isn't a disappearance!It is that the action of the other party is too quick, must escape from realizing of view quickly.
Here!Fiercely the segment sea reaction comes over, Lu fairy within hand sword rightwards the side split.
Is empty?
Surprised Cha, a fist beats at the left side loins of segment sea.Be full of an overbearing fist to take the flame of green ruthlessly!Unexpectedly segment sea one punch the dozen flew to go out.
The segment sea is a gold fairy!Still tie up to round numerous sword spirits on the body and nine every day thunder!Unexpectedly be so flown by a turn of dozen!
Hereat at the same time, the position of segment sea place, the leaf floats to fall the back of the hand negative at after death, so overbearingly looking at sea.
"How?Very small younger generation, come immediately after come!1/3 of the strength attains of speed, did you fall behind?"
"Cough ……is my the gist."The voice of segment sea spreads.Unexpected of but is appear at the leaf float zero left sides.
"Yi?"The leaf floats zero and discovers that the other party seems to have no quilt out of the blue, own daunt beats too seriously and also be say, he once hid to cause death most of position, hence ask a way:"Are you how to have ever escaped my daunt?"
"Ha ha, want to know?Vanquish me, I tell you!"Segment sea also equally overbearing answer.
"Ha ha, good, vanquish you to say again!Boy, I am optimistic about you very much!Don't let my disappointment!Otherwise, I shell one to you naked send and do meat Luan for my wife!"
"Once beat to say again!"
The segment sea drinks!Is close behind, the golden light is one Shan, segment the sea person disappear to disappear.
"Ha ha, interesting!"The leaf floats zero to shout loudly a , also equally green light flicker the body form also follow disappearance.
Originally two people all at extremely high soon of ambulation, occasionally see spangle in the space, but the green light suddenly and violently increase.
This are unexpectedly the collision that two strength hand over to remit, brought one circle or horizontal or lengthways spread of impact wave.
噹 ~~~
Two personal interleaves but lead, again and far away stand opposite.
The segment sea "burst" of for a while, vomited a big blood.Wiped for a while a corner of mouth, segment sea way:"Indeed as expected, the layer differs a lot too bigly.Even if lean against an absolute being machine, still hard win victory Related articles:

