
beats by dre solo s come out together

The shell is also a high public security.That but spend CNY 540,000,000 to do out.In fact Liu Bu Yang isn't special satisfied, particularly is the performance to some big conditions and the part actors.But in regard to the condition for owning, these people have already had no dint to attain better.
Japanese aspect made a small scaled farewell party, then Liu Bu Yang and director returned to country in the afternoon on the 23th.The film still needs to examine and estimate one or two week time.But 《absolute being state 》 is affirmative all right, if want to let political thought awakening Gao of the person come to see, absolutely also article point lord melody ground flavor come-solidify one heart, unanimously and outward what of.
Liu Bu Yang returned to companies first to see one eye, 5:00 p.m. held firmly time to rush through school to once pick up Liao Xian.He has a class at Liao Xian of the teaching down stairs saw that orchid Bo radicle Ni.Is much arrestive, the square circle at least has 100 inside 100 meters several people halt enough to conjecture,beats by dre solo.Liu Bu Yang isn't bashfully either ground the car stop he or she at not distance, wait Liao Xian to come downstairs.
Only have in the orchid Bo radicle Ni white strict[one] person, he also saw Liu Bu Yang.But eyes in unmanned.
Liao Xian and Zhang lings come out together of, summer autumn also the heel is beside.Liu Bu Yang walks over there in quick time, but Liao Xian ran to come over and rushed toward all of a sudden in his body."Has seeing already been heavy?"Liu Bu Yang embraced Liao Xian to turn 2 turns.
Liao laughs at to say:"Eliminate for the Yi the person is distressed."
Liu Bu Yang or to don't know to is Zhang Ling who should get around to still say "hello" and say hello summer autumn.Zhang Ling has a little an embarrassed response Liu Bu Yang.Doing not know should make collective report what circumstance.It is a summer autumn to pour enthusiasm:"How to just come back, we the Xian Xian hid a sports car to hide several days."
Liu Bu Yang says:"Thank you to protect to drive."
Liao Xian and Zhang lings say to see again, then the Wan wear Liu Bu Yang the ground get on the car.
The white is strict to have already right against the face got off to come over here, looking at Piao also not Piao Liao Xian of his one eye loudly say:"I see your one eye all right already every day!"
Liao Xian the heel didn't hear similar.Liu Bu Yang sends Liao Xian to get on the car.Say:"Etc. I."
Liao Xian didn't obstruct and looking at Liu Bu Yang the dynasty orchid Bo radicle the Ni walk over there.The white is strict to originally have already prepared to walk, saw Liu Bu Yang walking to come over and then stop down.Let go of a car window to looking at him.
Liu Bu Yang is tiny to bend from the waist.Lookinging at white is strict.Moderately say like a dozen of amount of company:"My warning only has once and stop harassing my girl friend."
Strictly the white corner of mouth presents a silk to lightly smile.As rushing through a fly flick, then let 1 that the car bombs hurtle to go out.
After Liu Bu Yang gets on the car, Liao Xian looking at him to say:"Last Thursday came right away, didn't know how to find out.Still made a phone call bedroom ground."
Liu Bu Yang asks:"Do not beat your cellular phone?"
Liao Xian says:"Beat twice, last Thursday and Friday, I directly hanged, again have no."
Liu Bu Yang asks again:"Do not follow you?"
Liao Xian still keeps shaking head and had no in times before intentionally happily and sweet, also really worry a ground of appearance, say:"Several world noons all guard in the place that I have a class, I didn't say a word and see don't see one eye with him ……again so the whole schoolses all knew!"
Liu Bu Yang says:"Should take care of the ground found out from the car, no wonder that you don't drive.Once car Xu did they know?"
Liao Xian says:"Do not know ……"
Liu Bu Yang hugs tight Liao Xian and says:"Execuse me, sorry, I can't throw down you again."
Liao Xian but also apologize:"Do not tell you to are afraid that you worry ……who know to really have a so shameless person!I want to say for school, make him not come in!"
Liu Bu Yang says with the very gentle and soft tone:"Do not relate to ……he first the hatchet man machine still keep beating bedroom first, bedroom is who answer?"
Liao Xian is more and more hasty:"The bedroom that beats first, Zhang Ling answers of, she doesn't know, said my cellular phone, returned to apologize for me ……we don't manage him, don't believe he really every day!Greatly not I don't come to school, anyway the thesis home also cans make."
Liu Bu Yang asks again:"Do you when practice?"
"From mid- March to the end of May ……in fact now not have a class don't also relate to.I think he comes to two days even if, who know to come again today!"Liao Xian feels very sorry Liu Bu Yang.
Liu Bu Yang smiles:"Be free, explain my girl friend magic power big, I believe you ……so take a gift to praise."Say and then once took from the rear seat the Liao's Xian love eats of banana in Tokyo.
Liao Xian this just smiled.
2 people go home, however all the way Liu Bu Yang's look in the eyes compare peacetime vigilance many, but the nothing important discovers.Late some time Sung cloud friendship and Han Shu just come, then several people go blue car companies and connect car Xu and once had supper together.
The all polite thing of everybody, everybody is all happy, however Liao Xian has a little force.BE eating, Liu Bu Yang receives ten thousand easy heros' telephones and says to invite them to ride a horse with director tomorrow, Liu Bu Yang promised.
"All come?"Ten thousand easy heros want to ask to know.
Liu Bu Yang says:"All go, five people, thank ten thousand total entertainment."Hanged a telephone and ask four misses:"Who will ride a horse?"
The meeting of Han Shu Wen, riding the horse is the teaching category of her senior high school.Sung cloud is graceful to also force a meeting, once learned.
After going home in the evening, Liu Bu Yang waited upon Liao Xian first asleep and then gets to the Internet and also really finds out the website of the source coal mine industry group.After he once saw accept for virtuous stone to make a phone call, let he the help check this group.
The stone is virtuous to accept to smile to ask:"Do you want to dig coal?Do what not is make money?"
Liu Bu Yang isn't afraid to ugly be harassed Liao Xian but he again incapable said out for the affair of dint.
The stone is virtuous to accept still easy:"Do I say, how do you want to do?"
Liu Bu Yang says:"Do utmost."
The stone is virtuous to accept ha ha smile, say:"Do I still say your low key ……wait my news.To, my Lao Tze's meaning is to make you also support troops' construction, I take 2,000,000 annually, how do you also get to add zero."
Liu Bu Yang says:"That I want to appreciate stone teacher to this opportunity."
The stone is virtuous to accept to say:"The stone teacher, the stone lion, doesn't round password.He comes back on Friday, affirmation will seek you, you think a good counterplan."

The text chapter 285 rides a horse
Renew time:2008-10-3022:24:26 chapter word numbers:4487

Two day early in the morning, Liu Bu Yang and four misses gathered to and ten thousand easy heroses are many, direct two husband and wife, two husband and wife of ten thousand easy heros, also have ten thousand easy heros' friends two husband and wife, is also direct familiar know, but the business doing has nothing to do with all of movie to fasten-steel material import and export.In addition is Liu Bu Yang's five people's son, Liu Bu Yang is introduced for friend by ten thousand easy heros, the introduction of four misses then directs madam's completion.Several individuals all welcoming of courtesy but enthusiasm they, ten thousand easy heros' wives smile to cry up:" Say an all many beautiful, don't see still dare not believe."
Ten thousand easy heros also smile:"Do I return to always say to seek four Ms. Ges for Liu to accompany."His wife immediately condemns:"Do not play a joke on the young girls!This has already had three, about."
Ten thousand easy heros fatty's friend smiles to ask:"Who is an eldest brother?"
Liu Bu Yang says:"Is all eldest brother, I am an old Mao."The smiling face on the face has a little thin.
Cloud Ya Shuo of Sung:"My age is the biggest."
The fatty has a little to embarrassedly compensate a gift:"Is ashamed, open wrong fun, don't take seriously."
Ten thousand easy heros smile:"Your ashamed still keep going Ma Shuo to me."
All smile again.Four cars set out, dynasty ten thousand easy heros Ma Chang drives.
The road is more far, but leads the way of ten thousand easy heros open not and slowly, may be afraid young man worried.More than a hour was, about more than 20 kilometers apart from the downtown, there is around no factory what of, it had to see while being the building of villa type to pour.
Director and all of fatty's husband and wife is often come, so mainly is take Liu Bu Yang visit.Ma Chang is very greatly very professional, more than 20s high head Malaysia is all fine quality of goods.Europe comes over of back a service Jus to all have 2.
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