
beats by dre pro ighting of Chen Ting

Lead carat virtuous dark line in Thailand, my finding out is fighting of Chen Ting Chen's general.He will provide a drug for me."
Wu Bang Chun carries cup and ponders a way:"You ah you, again drive Howl's man of Di Di that old guy made use of."
The not clear Howl's man of Di Di of Zhang Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De Bin doesn't represent none of owners clearly, Wu Bang Chun is Singapore premier, has to the domestic which cantankerous guys it may be said know it very detailed, arrive in Howl's man of Di Di of old crafty huge Hua of momentary he controled this person data.So speak of time of virtuous carat, he arrived this old guy first first.
Zhang Zhe follows to nod:"How can it possibly be to have what way?Because NATO allies has already thoroughly given offense to an angel, if the on bed terms carat is together virtuous close to bind, Ya Jia Er thoroughly over."
"Say so, do you know that Howl's man of Di Di makes use of your purpose Luo?"Wu Bang Chun lightly knits the brows and sees a bit complicated toward Zhang Zhe's vision.
Zhang Zhe Song's shrug:"Not just think that I do successful in career bird and ease the pressure from angel for him, drug business always all in the angel's control, the carat was virtuous so don't participate for several years, suddenly moved a mind, I how probably don't go to and doubt again, again say he since can contact general Chen, why the need for pass me to trade?Change who can fix?Do so nothing but because Ya Jia Er had a little now real strenght, angel it isn't easy for momentary to deal with and wait until an angel thoroughly after solving Ya Jia Er, their carat is virtuous to have been already developed as well, no longer fear an angel."
"Know that so do you still need to help him?"Wu Bang Chun not intentional of saw Zhang Zhe Yi's eye.
Zhang Zhe spreads hands:"Or that sentence, gave offense to an angel, I also had no a way."
"Ha ha, this really gave you a hard nut to crack, the sun strives for to usually reply than the notter easy scheme."Wu Bang Chun drank saliva, a face contemplated.
Zhang Zhe is very soft to depend on the chair, face ascend abnormality exhausted:"Yes, the scheme has a vestige to look for, also some flaws, and sun's striving for is to move with the power, with power and deliver, have no the vestige can look for and compare with scheme come much more brilliant, also harder deal with."
"Not."Wu Bang Chun seemed to thought of what, raise head to say:"Move with the power, don't mean that each one steps can compute accurate, he neglected one wreath, that is your relationship with our Wu Jia."
"Probably didn't he neglect?Ha ha, I come you can deceive the person that doesn't live heart here."Zhang Zhe's corner of mouth shows unintentionally one silk wry smile.
Wu Bang Chun but open a smile:"Is not my daughter still in the your hand?Probably you come to threaten also perhaps."
"Wu ……" Zhang Zhe declines to comment.
Wu Bang Chun immediately after says:"Currently, the carat is virtuous to still keep a colleague to relate to with our Wu Jia, the in a short time can't have how much doubt, and, I before already call show the dragon once sought Howl's man of Di Di and asked him to say for small Ru feeling, beg you to put small Ru, how, this guy has never lifted with you."
This sentence hints that Zhang Zhe immediately thoughted of what, not from smile lookinging at of mi Mi Wu Bang Chun, exclamation way:"Or you are old foresighted, Howl's man of Di Di really has never lifted with me and estimates to is the relation that misses us to continue to refuse to budge.Or is miss I hold to have the counter to threaten you."
"He tells to show a dragon, your attitude is very tough, on the problem of small Ru, is not likely to concede, unless ……" Wu Bang Chun continues to say.
"Unless my ability's full zu your whole requests."Wu Bang Chun finally cannots help but roaring with laughter, think to heart to the despise of Howl's man of Di Di already to a certain extent.
Zhang Zhe also smiled:"That I full zu he, use small Ru threat once, the uncle invites an uncle at the angel there for me mollify for a while."
"?All by this time return call uncle?"Wu Bang Chun pretends not happy.
" ……The my son-in-law rude in behavior."Zhang Zhe and Wu Bang Chuns are in every aspect opposite, very long, 2 people to heart's content smiled.
Even they none of mutuals' knowing Be smiling what?However Zhang Zhe cans affirm and has Wu Bang Chun this old guy to cope with an angel, to own plan will very beneficial, Howl's man of Di Di Howl's man of Di Di, don't strange elder brothers son not speak face, strange blame you always is into owner all simpleton!
Both the son-in-laws Weng ends dialogue, Zhang Zhe left Singapore on that night, time walk is really enraged, gave two sons for tailing a fright, also thought and is Zhang Zhe and discover them?
The title looks up at the night sky of utter darkness, Zhang Zhe's mood surprising Ping-ho ……

Do text 303 chapter seafoods process?
Renew time:2010-5-232:45:08 chapter word numbers:7656

Ya Jia lately a few guest who comes uninviteds, these people's identities all is good to cover up, there is the United States NS branch manager, have Ta-hua the engineer of the vapor Mao, there is the designer of Microsoft, there is even also McDonald's at the high beautiful representative director, they repeatedly say to is Dong Xiao Wan's classmate in the United States, however Zhang Zhe can affirm, these uniformly all of big-noseds of the gold hair blue eye pupil are the angels' persons.
Zhang Zhe comes backed and then received them from Singapore and no matter how it is, said their classmate of a surface still"small Wan", as the fiance of small Wan, Zhang Zhe wants naturally enthusiasm a point.
Is enough passionate, Zhang Zhe not only orderanies road D to act as a guide to get them to visit Ya Jia Er, but also opens the party hall that Ya Jia Er in past receive foreign guest and holds cocktail party for them.
As the future hostess of Ya Jia Er, the small Wan enjoys to unprecedentedly aggrandize, have been hanging smiling face on her face, can draw out time to call on himself/herself in 100 favours to these good friends, she means that thousand times appreciates.Combine to request Zhang Zhe to give these, make them able to play a whichever place in the island.
For the friends of small Wan, Zhang Zhe is all lazy to send person's surveillance, very obvious, if these people all have relation with angel to fasten, unless stab blood kin the horse is from, others very difficult done in complete secrecy surveillance they, the road D doesn't go as well, this is Zhang Zhe to get the conclusion of from the NS branch manager's body.
He is a space, man about 30 years old, have a soldier of robust, and scholar of cultured, can not deny, this man is all over full of glamour, he can be regarded as American handsome boy of orthodox school, Zhang Zhe feels, some international movie stars compare with to still some margins with him,beats by dre pro, he introduces by himself and once undergoes military service in Florida, after retiring from the army in the father's company work, just entered Harvard to read MBA two years ago, be became friends with with small Wan at that time.He still speaks without fear of point out, oneself once pursued small Wan, however be refused.
Zhang Zhe can feel that the small Wan becomes intimate with very much with this man, and he once associated, is "small Wan" the girl friend of this guy?
Can see a way space is these people of lead the way, they talk to work to all want to see an expression of eyes of space, for this man, Zhang Zhe made his knowledge noodles is very wide, the person also relatively has a content.
An among those times 2 people the topic don't know how pull American hei helps organization, way space consequently talked many topic concerning angels, Zhang Zhe returned fun to say that oneself just once gave offense to an angel at that time, and then the answer of way space big Zhang Zhe anticipate, he said to don't relate to, the war ally that once underwent military service together with him has many wars that all joined saint armed, among them had 2 are already to sneak into key figures, some small troubles could solve.
To this Zhe shake head language not, he knows, the angel has already thrown an olive branch to himself or herself, but he can not answer, because once pulling a relation with angel, very difficult from medium tuo body, he has already had hundred percent confidence to take now the angel and carat virtuously fight, now that the affair arrive this one step, complete have no the necessity embrace the angel's big tui.
And the confabulation of way space in, Zhang Zhe was once underlying to once inquire an angel of some illegal drug selling networks in Europe and America, to this, the way space nature can't reveal too many, pushes to say oneself doesn't understand these and also ask Zhang Zhe why Related articles:

