
Beats By Dr Dre Studio save the headquarter

After binding bandit failure more no one dared to move them, the natural police's black Qian Shao a lot of.He knows he doesn't graft, can not positively launch in the upper level large-scale Su to be greedy for sport.Even if have to suppress part of corruption for the sake of developing a nation,will violate military authority some power and influence persons, he must also protect himself/herself.The American exempted from the obligation of USD 1,200,000,000 to let urgent economy slow on the whole this time tone.
His armed escort long private's colonel of Lai Di is certainly dependable, he order the colonel seek a good person of a few Chinese descents artistic skill to join armed escort, and seek two good Chinese people effort the teacher come to make coach.These passed Lin Zhong Ping to all accomplish.Renewed 2 presidents through a Ministry of Finance appropriation appropriation helicopter,beats dr dre, bought a dynamoelectric card from China-32, bought a new black eagle from the United States.This is BE been responsible for by the air force to support and drive, he still lets air force the commander bird's nest fern Mu lieutenant general strengthen air force of inside Wei troops.His guard against a work to all have a function afterwards.
The plan of "roll a wood activity" that delivers to the military authority, he granted.On the meeting of armed forces' commander's headquarters he requests, the troops of three wars must the military discipline is strict clearly, don't arouse the people's bad impression.He hopes to with one action get rid of thin total this confident great trouble.
April 28 of chairman mansion in Hanoi political bureau extension the meeting is carrying on in the strain, the main subject is a local situation, south the war crisis of the sand islands and the counterplan of the military authority.Affair from southern sand on the south Wei island front the report of the conductor department arouse of.Report said that China suddenly strengthened navy's strength in the always hot Jiao periphery recently, with an eastern heavy type missile cruiser, 2 sea Wei class guided missile escort warship, 4 improvement type river Wei class guided missile escort warship is the strong fleet of core is in the activity and often have a battleplane take-off to come to challenge on the air base of peace island.Russia spread yesterday of the satellite probes into an information to show that a mineral sand ship of 200,000 ton classes moor at always hot Jiao nearby sea surfaces and passed to float at the piping on the sea surface and unloaded sediment on the Jiao dish of always hot Jiao.
Vietnamese expert immediately gives that an analytical report is the member of committees in front of that, report points out, China seizes of the always hot Jiao presents long oval, the whole Jiao dish breadth is about 7.5 nautical miles, grow 26 nautical miles, water deep 14-20 meters, at low ebb peep out few reef.Its northeast 55 nautical miles greatly now Jiao, the whole life Jiao of southeast 50 nautical miles, the south is partial to west the eastern Jiao of 46 nautical miles all is our advance guard battlefield.On August 2, 1988, the Chinese was finished on the reef of always hot Jiao an international ocean station, a small scaled wharf and a Gao Jiao Wu.Actually is insert our country territorial waters of mount sudden attack a base, to us threaten very much.But these facilities is set up on the reef of can not be called group of islands, therefore can not row a territorial waters scope.They now the waters of heap sand is an oval type in the west of Gao Jiao Wu Jiao dish"highland", thing long about 4 kilometers, southern north the breadth is about 2 kilometers, high tide of water deeply also only 4 meters are or so.If at 1.2 kilometer the long and 0.4 kilometer wide scope fill a sand and so about need 2,000,000 sand of square rice of signings.A 200,000 tons of minerals sand ship can transport 100,000 square rice sand of signings and so need 20 sequence of flights completion.Arrive always hot Jiao distance from in Yangtze River 2500 kilometers take 5 days around and use to absorb a sand pump to pack to unload each 2 days of needingses and add again for 5 days of return journey, a sequence of flights is 2 weeks.China owns the mineral sand of 2200,000 ton classes ship now, so can complete for 20 weeks.Then they can declare the always hot Jiao as group of islands and dilimit territorial waters and economic exclusive area again.We will can not match with them over there at all.The circumstance is thus urgent.
The member of committees are all of indignation, the Chinese set up to stand in the always hot Jiao in those early years process in, started out the vessel that navy's shot sank our army, forced us to accept their existence.Not only won peace now this sea in island to get empty a base, and still want to reconstruct a group of islands to construct a sea empty base in the always hot Jiao.Still have us on the so peripheral island Jiao is the way out of soldier more?
"Those sand son can't be walked by wave book?"Premier Fan Wen Jie asks a way.The expert of total technique bureau answers:"Is to pile up sand in the function of the Jiao dish wave in Shanghai, all of those coral islands are what waves pile up.Chinese as long as at the islet periphery of this Jiao dish with 7% last sand sons are all right."Fan Wen Jie thinks by so doing, the another petroleum company wasn't willing to even come to develop petroleum here.
But another problem is equally urgent, that is the problem of southern Liberation Arm.Don't understand this problem to definitely also be more difficult than south china sea making moves.Du government clear group at first after thinking to cease fire with China, very quick can exterminate southern Liberation Arm.More the soldier headquarters thinks Chinese troops already not ability three fight, oneself is free medium advantage, large-scale transfer troops concentration troops of advantage, point training and material of fighting the member to even have absolute advantage.And more the soldier is to wage guerrilla warfare war house of, exterminate those to visit a shot brigade not just easy to accomplish matter.Certainly under the again and again demanding too much of the total secretary, the general staff took out at the beginning of the year an adjust to gather large force to launch of"03" battle project, important point BE:
-The place troops that uses 4 main teachers, 2 engineering soldier's teachers and in the frontier province insulates line in the frontier district establishment and ruptures the replenishment of visiting the shot brigade.Still prepare to use 2 economic development teachers are in the frontier a take to set up to fight village.-Again concentrate 3 main teachers, a tank teacher, the air force starts out 48 battleplanes, 12 armed helicopters to round Jian west to rather save the headquarters that the south visits a shot brigade.The military authority thinks that this is the mistake of biggest rebellious troops, in those early years until more the war ended the American solider could not find out the headquarters of southern Liberation Arm to take into to destroy as well.
-Starting out is crack of 172 vessel trips, turn over lately upgrade gram of inside tile gram class by just- ushered in one of escort warship, 2 don't good II class escort warship, 20 patrol boats, guided missile speed boat, 30 armed fishing boats can carry one to strengthen a camp and constitute a to pay strong of hybrid fleet;Crack of 126 land battle trips also threw in.The army starts out 2 main teachers.Will destroy completely the visiting of the peninsula of gold Ou and Mekong river mouth region shot brigade under the match of the troops of place.Only control this district just can to China garrison forces formation pressure of Kun Lun island.
The whole activity has to quickly complete in 3 months and put out to visit shot sport to be like to extinguish fire, any hold all the cost that the significant increment put out.
More the soldier headquarters achieves victory heart to slice, strategic foundation and military tacticses of this project are all wrong odd.The guerrilla war is more two totally different concepts with anti- guerrilla war, say again soldier's waging guerrilla warfare wartime don't learn in command of essence from the our army, can say more the soldier has never beaten success of take it by storm a war.While beating to establish a side a mansion completely from our army conductor of, the main force is also what our army sends.Truely take it by storm a war in the middle of afterward and more fighting only once, that be in spring in the offensive, Wu Yuan Jia and text enter brave unexpectedly neglect the warning of Chinese adviser to act wilfully, start out 5 teachers to strike against to fluently turn, try to raise oneself in the south more prestige of staff's in front, who know that more south is firmly stood by to fluently turn with a camp, the American then starts out large numbers of bombers, heavy type vessel, wildly bomb over deep-fried.In a week, fluently turn city outside 60,000 much and more the soldier and militiaman be beaten by the American solider's shell, napalm bomb and air fuel bomb corpse the horizontal time is wild, disastrous, fully sacrificed about 50,000.This matter vibrated an international society.Wu Yuan Jia and text enter brave ride a tiger difficult bottom, and then adjust 2 teachers go down south to help a war, just offended in to fluently turn city.But the American solider still made use of strong navy's strength to withdraw to walk to leave in the city of more than 100 souths more soldier.More 2 norths of teachers troops after getting into fluently turn and then encounter the saturated bombing of American solider's airplane, the death and harm is miserably heavy.
Afterward and more the soldier liberation south was absolutely too smooth, south the more false soldier basically collapse by oneself.Is original this is the greatly good matter, helpless Hanoi leads group not to is to pay attention to construction, but continues to fight.Seized Laos and beat again Cambodia, own also together of benefactor and teacher ―― China beat a decade.Isn't hard analytical at that time the breakage function of Chinese Cultural Revolution to the troops, unexpectedly thought that oneself is really fantastic.
Was subjected to so greatly aggrieved precept still last year not to think to repent, still kept seeing the cease-fire agreement as an opportunity to is a breather.Isn't in earnest Related articles:

