
Beats by Dr Dre studio eed word'is a do out

Took away, but the red blood cell of the another three Li rices size is guerdon, it is said that that this blood cell is called'blood absolute being dollar bead'.
This'blood absolute being dollar bead'be'God-man outside the sky'do out of, the inside not only included perfect improvement edition of<The blood nerve& gt;, Way the capability for going that also has a hundred years presents.
Introduce according to the conjecture shadow elephant, he can temporarily live here, until completely absorbed this'blood absolute being dollar bead'after leave again, he cans is protected and be free from evil interference of various big magical power or absolute being outside the sky and probes into here.
There is good condition like this how can need not?So Sung Chang Gung a live is a decade, till today he just finally and completely absorbed this'blood absolute being dollar bead', settle it midmost mire pill the temple is in the brain in.
This decade inside, at absorb of in the process, Sung Chang Gung understood gradually'blood absolute being dollar bead'and'God-man outside the sky'oneself civilization of some data, really make him don't already marvel.
Is originally so-called'God-man outside the sky', in fact is also mankind, just their civilizations develop very deluxe, already can in the cosmos freely of run about, even can arrive the space of other different Wei key link to go.
But'God-man outside the sky'the biggest characteristics of the civilization of this mankind be'seed word system', this is the special technique that they develop by themselves, 1 kind completely roots in the technique in the soul.
Is so-called'seed word'is a do out with the spirit strength of'writing', but this writing inside from many small such as atom or tiny sub- grade ground the writing constitute of, almost included that civilization all writings.
Because these writings all use spirit strength what manufacturing come out, so can blend mutually with soul, protection and evolution soul, and help a soul control body and outside object.
After knowledge for 21 centuries baptism, Sung Chang Gung basic apprehensibility this was what things, a little bit accurate say, this is a calculator used mysteriously spirit strength to do out.
A spirit energy type calculator, at'God-man outside the sky'of civilization in, this is each standard citizen birth empress of have to equip, with after soul blend, the soul became'seed word'of carry a body.
But be blended the spirit branding of , the nature becomes'seed word'of the control core be blended the spirit strength of be support its operation ground energy, spirit strength more big this system more strong.
Be blended the soul of be'seed word', and'seed word'is also his soul, this'seed writing system'also have weakness,Beats by Dr Dre studio, that is the attack ability with no.
Can not prevent°from the impact of various energy, either at the same time, in addition to the attack of spirit energy can defendoof some, all doing not go of other, but it ability elephant one set the super calculator is similar, there is the function of the assistance calculation and the control.
This arrives at permafrost'God-man outside the sky'do not lately cut, after understanding the Earth special civilization, being the method that fixs a way, selection& lt;The blood nerve& gt;For the blue origin, other various Earth techniques are assistances.
Use a permafrost special technique, make oneself's civilization making into the gene password of'seed word system', harmonious get to the gene of living creature inside, do'blood absolute being dollar bead'this miraculous thing.
Sung Chang Gung'blood absolute being dollar bead'blend inside in the mire pill temple in center of head, after thoroughly blending with body, it automatically is used as the spirit branding of Sung Chang Gung its control centre, then starts reading the whole informations of Sung Chang Gung, including his gene.
In the process of reading, Sung Chang Gung mind the elephant is one noodles mirror, past the whole affairs flow through in his center of earth, every year, each affair drive'seed word'the integration record after, compress formed a writing to save.
Allow many much the writing of affair formation, again integration compress into a writing, such a 1 F ground folds to add and finally engraved to go into his gene inside, and'seed word system'also keep evolving Yan to change according to the gene and various information.

The first prices like chapter 5,etc exchanges
In fact he this viewpoint is basic and correct, arrived at the person here, including the blood absolute being of stone absolute being temple old man before, all was him as'God-man outside the sky', only Sung Chang Gung was such an alternative.
"That, I ask for a while, you, is be not?Own intelligence?You say now of do of, in advance setting isn't whole good?"Sung Chang Gung sounds out ground to ask a way.
He unintentionally sees this virtual shadow elephant and grinds to a stop down after making reference to here, incredibly have a little on the face impatient, some excitements, have some to disregard to wait a small facial expression, this harding to say it is a to in advance set good procedure.
"Boon?Do you how can have viewpoint like this?However didn't relate to, told you nothing important also, I really have certain intelligence, because my host are to belong to cosmos civilization, make an intelligence procedure easy."
This'God-man outside the sky'conjecture shadow the elephant be asked by Sung Chang Gung stared blankly for a while, but still very exert job of said own affair in brief and in summary, don't conceal.
Because at the beginning that'God-man outside the sky'while setting these, basically and unexpectedly want to conceal these informations, this, in his eyes be not what can not say of secret.
Star outside that'God-man outside the sky'see, the civilization of this star although the time been very special, developed finally and very, its civilization grade is even more even high than own civilization grade.
But they are still placed in the very ignorant original status the most important 1:00 now be, here of the special civilization mode is also the method that they are called to fix fairy or fix a way by themselves and have already separated with intelligence corpus.
The so-called intelligence corpus is common mankind, in the cosmos, the knowledge or technique system of whichever civilization, if not the ability be accepted and make widely available in the common run of people, can not tie groundwork, the branch road that got into a development.
In light of this, this'God-man outside the sky'not think own of the informations Be worth keeping secret, tell them, these originalities are the same kind also not understand, he unexpectedly will exist Sung Chang Gung such an alternative.
After finishing explaining these, this'God-man outside the sky'conjecture shadow the elephant obviously don't want to continue to inquire into on this problem, he ignore the bearer comprehended have no, started continuing to keep on saying.
"Although say at'silver cicada Jiao'in, I left many I according to the technique of this world civilization, and my own civilization mode mutually fusion after, produce of new technique and product.
But you want to get these technique or use these products, will pay a price for corresponding, after all in my eyes doesn't go into, or go into none of not is exactitude of development mode."Make reference to here copied elephant to grind to a stop for a while.
Hear my Sung Chang Gung understand, so-called of'help each other'be wait price commutation, slightly on pondering, he wants understand, only have so just not ability Jie Ze and fishing, can't have the circumstance occurrence to gain without labour, either.
"So, I want to use what way, pay what price just can get your technique or product?"Lend he the opportunity for grinding to a stop, Sung Chang Gung sounds out ground to ask a way.
Obviously, 'God-man outside the sky'of the virtual shadow elephant early know that the bearer contains these questions, continue to say:"It is in fact easy, there are totally three methods choosing."
"The first be, you acquire technique or product here from I, will pay, I think to is the thing that waits price, regardless technique or products all can, as long as you have.
However want to declare 1:00, opportunity only have once, for the sake of safety, trade completion after we can't again trade, you next time be find out here, I can't make you incoming, either.
A bargain completes behind we from now on two irrelevant, if you want to continue to trade, only have to choose the second or is the third options, those 2s can trade with me over a long period of time."
"The second be, you ownly stay here, your dollar the absolute being and body together Be here carry on completely binding to settle and become the governor here, nature, here of the whole techniques and product you can arbitrarily use.
And, you return need not pay etc. of serving as price product or technique, infinite make to use here of any resources, this, is that you stay in the remuneration here, or say to is a welfare what of all can."
"The third be, you leave the dollar of one part absolute being and body, is carried on by me to conceive, finally become a warrior, do here of'permanent guarder', at the same time the is also you of divide time.
Certainly your divide time to permanently bind to settle along with here, want ~only here is not drive Related articles:

